Charity golf day and Christmas lunch

Charity golf day and Christmas lunch
1 March 2021
Save the dates for the two big Charity Fund events.
The Australian Office Products Charitable Fund has confirmed new dates for the annual charity golf day and Christmas launch, both of which have been impacted by COVID-19.
A tentative date of 14 May has been set for the golf day, to be held at Macquarie Links, while the charity Christmas lunch will be held on 26 November at Club Kirribilli in Sydney.
Meantime, the Fund has received a letter of thanks from the Limbs 4 Life organisation for a donation of $15,000, the proceeds from an interim golf day held earlier this year.
Letter of thanks from Limbs 4 Life (Limbs 4 Kids)
To the Australian Office Products Charitable Fund,
Thank you so much for your very kind and generous donation, we are extremely grateful.
This funding will assist us to continue to create and provide additional resources for the parents and children in our national community.
We will also re-schedule some of the locally-based events that we had planned during the previous year which were cancelled due to COVID-19.
Thank you once again and please pass on our thanks to everyone involved. Hopefully, one day we will be able to attend and participate in one of your golf days.
Kind regards,
Melissa Noonan AM ,
CEO, Limbs 4 Life