Office Products News

Office Choice reports strong trading result, despite tough COVID-19 climate

Positive response to new branding strategy and member initiatives.
Dealer group Office Choice has reported a strong financial result for the 2019/2020 period, despite challenging trading conditions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Office Choice said it responded to the current economic climate with a range of initiatives to support its members.
“A combination of new member initiatives and a positive response to the new branding strategy, overarched with responsible cost management measures has seen the group post a positive trading result, supported by a strong member sales increase in June, culminating in a positive sales position for the January to June half,” the group said. 
The strong result has seen the group post a profitable trading position for the year and has put the board in the enviable position of announcing further support and stimulus to the dealer network including a special rebate to shareholders for the eleventh consecutive year, and in this period representing an increase of over 25 per cent on the previous year. 
This is further supported with an additional 50 per cent membership fee reduction for July to ensure all members enter the new financial period with momentum and additional financial support to navigate what is sure to be a challenging balance of the year, according to the group. 
"It was very pleasing that we were able to achieve these results while continuing to invest in the business to support our members, a fact that the board of Office Choice remains very proud of,” Daniel Kelly, Office Choice chairman, said.
Office Choice has continued to drive the Office Choice brand with the early roll out of the ‘Making Local Work’ brand strategy and digital customer acquisition program that has seen website traffic and referrals direct to members increase significantly over the period. 
Office Choice’s commitment to launching new products and services saw it launch the national e-commerce website that resulted in new customer sales to more than 58 per cent of members in its first month (June), with a steady stream of repeat orders coming from across the country.  
These initiatives follow recent measures to support Office Choice members during this time including the 50 per cent reduction on fees for April, May and June, the removal of non-mandatory costs, increased advertising spend and creation of business advisory and dealer training webinars for members and a COVID-19 resource hub.
“The Office Choice board, member network and national support office have responded to the challenges and remain committed to our long-term strategic goals which has been the catalyst to the continued success of the Office Choice group over the past few years, and this year is no exception,“ Brad O’Brien, Office Choice CEO, said.
With a strong focus on individual members, O’Brien said he remains “cautiously upbeat” about the year ahead as the group once again has committed to significant investment in the provision of support tools and services to position the Office Choice dealer network to  increase market share and ensure ongoing sustainable returns. 
“Whilst the challenges of the pandemic are far from over, the collective determination of the Office Choice member network, supported by the national support office has seen us deliver an outstanding result and provides a platform for all Office Choice members to commence 2020/21 with confidence,” he said.
For more news about the Office Choice group, click here
Date Published: 
15 July 2020