Office Products News

Officeworks rounds up $1m to make a difference

Team members get behind local fund-raising campaign.
Officeworks’ ‘Round Up to Make a Difference’ initiative has raised more than $1 million to support health and education community organisations across the country. 
Now in its third year, the annual initiative encourages customers to ‘round up’ their purchase in-store or donate online, with funds going direct to support a variety of organisations. 
This year, due to the significant impact of COVID-19, the focus of the campaign was to assist groups in two key areas: health and education. 
Team members at the company’s 167 stores selected the organisations they wanted to help based on their connections within their local communities. 
Alexandra Staley, Officeworks general manager - corporate affairs, said: “For this year’s ‘Round Up to Make a Difference’ we thought it was vital to support local organisations with a focus on health and education.” 
Date Published: 
22 July 2020