Parcel deliveries top priority at Australia Post

Postal service passes more parcels to posties
Australia Post will retrain 2000 motorbike posties to deliver and process parcels to help manage the unprecedented parcel volumes being sent across the country as the business continues to manage significant disruption as Australians adapt to living differently under COVID-19 restrictions.
Australia Post said it welcomes the federal government’s announcement to provide temporary changes to delivery standards to continue to service the broader needs of the community as quickly as possible.
The temporary regulatory relief requested by Australia Post and agreed by the Government includes:
- Removing the Priority Mail letter product. This is manually intensive for processing and delivery speed cannot currently be guaranteed. Priority letters lodged by consumers each year is significantly less than one per cent of all letters and 12 per cent of total letter volumes;
- Adjusting the existing service standards on other letters, to enable Australia Post to deliver letters in metropolitan areas every second day. Australia Post will maintain existing delivery standards in rural and remote locations;
- Extending the required delivery time for regular intrastate letters to five days after the day of posting
Parcel volumes have almost doubled in the last four weeks, up by 80 per cent compared to last year, as more and more householders shop online as they self-isolate. At the same time, demand for other core products, including letters, have been volatile and many have halved.
Adding to Australia Post’s challenges is the impact of significantly reduced air freight availability due to the reductions of passenger planes and the need to prioritise transport of medical supplies.
Although Australia Post has secured more capacity from Qantas, and have welcomed recent announcements from the Federal Government to support more domestic flights, these cannot ensure the speed of deliveries at the same level as prior to the crisis.
Australia Post group CEO Christine Holgate said an additional challenge is the majority of the 1.8 million parcels being sent each day are too large to be delivered by a traditional postie as people purchase items to allow them to stay at home.
Date Published:
21 April 2020