Tsunami of home work injury insurance claims expected

Dealer group CEO explains why businesses need to keep an eye on their employees working from home.
With more than 60 per cent of the country’s office staff estimated to now be working from home, many believe employers are facing a tsunami of potential home work injury insurance claims.
Gavin Ward, CEO of Office Brands, is encouraging businesses to make the effort to ensure staff have all of the necessary office equipment and tools they need to work from home in a safe and appropriate way.
“When the COVID-19 pandemic picked up, millions of Australians were thrown into a work environment they’ve never been in before. Most Australians don’t design their home to act as their permanent office, so there are a number of risks that businesses need to be aware of during these difficult times,” Ward said.
“I’m expecting that the number of workplace injuries reported by staff will soar over the coming months. A lot of business owners simply don’t know what a safe working-from-home environment looks like and what they’re liable for,” he said.
The Centre for Future Work, part of The Australia Institute, has predicted that three in 10 Australians will find themselves working from home during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ward believes that a lot of business owners aren’t prepared to properly institute and monitor safe working conditions at home.
“There is a long list of things that business owners need to worry about when their employees are working from home. In an ideal world, you need to be aware of things as small as your employees’ posture. You need to be sure that employees aren’t using cheap furniture that is prone to breaking. A lot of employees don’t know basics like how high their desk and chair should be. Now would be a good time teach them,” he said.
Ward added that according to a leading personal injury lawyer, businesses could be liable for workplaces injuries that happen at home.
“Just because someone is working from home, doesn’t mean that employers’ obligations are lessened. All employers have a legal duty to ensure as far as possible that their staff have a safe environment in which to work,” a leading personal injury lawyer said about the importance of good work practices at home.
“The legal position is no different despite many in the workforce now working from home. The welfare of all members of the workforce is not only a legal requirement; it also manages risk prudently.
“Just as importantly the evidence is that a safe and comfortable workforce is a productive workforce. It just doesn’t pay to cut corners with worker safety at any time. Good quality equipment is a vital part of that equation and a sensible investment,” he said.
According to Ward, employees should want to ensure they have a safe at-home working environment as well. He believes that employees shouldn’t just leave their safety in their employer’s hands.
“Work safety at home isn’t just something employers need to worry about. Employees need to take it into their own hands as well. If you’re an employee, having safe working equipment at home is imperative for your own health and safety,” he said.
“I can see COVID reshaping the way people work across the country. I can also see home work injuries becoming a big issue unless things such as ergonomics and set up are well managed,” he added.
Photo: Yes Insurance Solutions.
Date Published:
17 April 2020