Office Products News

UK dealers bracing for 30% post-pandemic sales decrease

Survey reveals impact of COVID-19 on revenue and range.
Three-quarters of dealers contacted by technology group Office Power said they expected sales to only return to 70 per cent of pre-pandemic levels.
The majority of responders predicted a 30 per cent drop in revenue long-term with nearly 90 per cent of dealers believed the working-from-home (WFH) market will continue to be important post COVID-19.
“The dealers that survive this will be the ones which cut deep, cut fast and don’t wait,” commented Office Power’s Simon Drakeford.
More than 80 per cent of dealers admitted to being “extremely concerned” about online competition becoming a bigger threat post-lockdown. 
Meantime, the PPE “gold rush” – as described by one dealer group buying executive – has tapered off with customers seeking smaller sizes, suitable for individual use and practical for the workplace.
While there has been a surge in demand for products such as social distancing tape, it soon becomes scruffy, and dealers are unsure how strong will be the trend for maintenance.
Businesses are also keen to ensure that their staff are fully-equipped as WFH is now looking more like the new norm.
A rise in demand for ‘fit for purpose’ products and stricter regulations on ergonomic products is predicted. 
Employees do not want clunky office desks and monitors cluttering their home office, but instead will look to more aesthetically-pleasing, streamlined products.
Date Published: 
24 August 2020