Office Products News

Mitsubishi Pencil launches plastic-free packaging

Leading brand uni-ball starts the recycled ball rolling.
Mitsubishi Pencil Australia has launched its campaign to phase out single-use plastic blister cards with the move to 100 per cent cardboard packaging.
The new packaging will be made entirely out of PEFC-certified* cardboard, printed with vegetable-based inks. As well as being plastic-free the new packs are completely biodegradable and recyclable.
The packs use a non-toxic, water-based blister varnish that does not affect composting or cause environmental damage. 
The new packaging will be launched through Officeworks and will initially be rolled out across the popular uni-ball Eye range with the complete uni-ball hang-sell range to follow.
“At Mitsubishi Pencil Australia, we are focused on the company’s sustainability efforts across all levels of our operations,” Annette May, national marketing manager at Mitsubishi Pencil Australia, said.
“Our aim is to reduce the amount of single use plastics within the stationery market in Australia,’’ she said.
MPA’s new plastic-free packaging is:
*Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is the world’s largest forest certification system for sustainable forest management. 
Date Published: 
14 July 2020