Winc sent home from Queensland schools

Supplier sidelined due to product availability issues.
Back-to-school can be a demanding time for suppliers and dealers, particularly so in the middle of a pandemic.
One company having more than its share of trouble is Winc Australia, which recently had its office and classroom resources supply agreements with Queensland’s education department put on hold due to product availability issues.
A department note to schools stated: The Department and Winc have agreed that Winc will not seek to enter any new orders for ‘Back to School’ through to 31 December 2020 or until the current issues are resolved to the satisfaction of Procurement Services’.
Queensland schools were then advised not to place orders for BTS supplies with Winc “until further notice”.
Other suppliers on the Queensland Office Supplies list are Complete Office Supplies, Downs Office Equipment, Impact Office Supplies, Office Brands and Officeworks.
There are 26 suppliers on the standing offer arrangement (SOA) for Classroom Resources.
OPN has contacted Winc Australia for an update.
See updated story dated 16 October.
Date Published:
14 October 2020