Office Products News

Office Choice launches academy training program

Business development course aimed at owners, managers and staff.
Dealer group Office Choice has announced the launch of the Office Choice Academy – a tailored training program that guides members through the fundamentals of effectively managing an Office Choice business. 
The Office Choice Academy is a structured training program that contains up to 12 months of content designed to provide all participants with the “knowledge and skills required to manage a sustainable and optimised business in the office products ïndustry.” 
Office Choice believes that with the amount of change members have witnessed in the industry recently, as well as the generational transition that it has observed – training and development remains a strong priority and focus for its members who, in many cases, need to train and develop a whole new generation not yet widely exposed to the industry.
Covering a broad range of topics including setting budgets and achievable sales targets, performance management, sales training, maximising customer connection and understanding industry best practices, the Office Choice Academy program provides an “effective and relevant” training and development pathway for its members to invest in the future development of their workforce. 
In addition to the training content, participants also receive a comprehensive program guide, a training needs assessment and regular one-on-one coaching. 
Since launching in late May, the group has seen strong interest with both principals and staff enrolling in the program.
Office Choice said the Academy is suitable for business owners, sales managers and team leaders but “most importantly the Office Choice Academy provides a pathway for businesses to invest in their talent and grow individuals into future leaders of their business.”   
The Office Choice Academy is a new component of the Office Choice University learning portal that was launched in December 2020. 
The University contains a range of custom Office Choice training programs that allows members to move at their own pace as well as market leading content for members to create and implement their own training programs in their business! 
Chris Jones, Office Choice’s communications and engagement officer, said: “We are thrilled with the high level of enthusiasm and engagement we have seen from members and their teams with the Office Choice Academy. Our aim was to deliver a program which would make professional training and development accessible to all of our members, meeting the same standards as an expensive online course, including the same benefits, but without the heavy price tag which can often be prohibitive to small businesses.”
Date Published: 
23 June 2021