Officeworks upgrades WFH product range

Retailer responds to ‘comfy and quality’ demand.
Officeworks has expanded its range of products sought by work-from-homers, coinciding with the latest COVID-19 lockdowns across a number of states.
Jim Berndelis, Officeworks’ general manager of merchandise, said: “Last year was all about the immediacy of working-from-home, purchases to get going,”
“Now what we’re seeing is more and more Australians are taking up the flexibility of working from (both) home and the office, and we’re seeing more and more of them invest in more comfortable furniture, more powerful technology equipment that enables them to do their job in a better way.” he told NCA NewsWire.
Officeworks recently introduced the Haworth range of office chairs in response to the ‘’trade up’ trend.
“We’re talking highest grade seating products that meet the most rigorous tests in relation to ergonomics and the purpose of also being comfortable as well,” Berndelis said.
“We’ve definitely expanded our assortment into the higher end range of furniture because we’re seeing more customers having an appetite for that,” he said.
Date Published:
30 June 2021