Office Products News

Thank you from Dr Charlie Teo

Donations in support of two great causes.

The Australian Office Products Charitable Fund’s campaign to provide much-needed stationery items to drought-affected schools has moved up a gear with demand pushing the number of book packs required increasing to 6000.

Many suppliers and dealers have supported the cause with stock and donations, which contributed to $25,000 being raised at the recent Christmas charity lunch in Sydney.

Meantime, the Fund has received a letter of thanks from Dr Charlie Teo, whose Foundation also received a donation of $25,000.
Dear Friends at the Australian Office Products Charitable Foundation,

Thank you for your incredible fundraising efforts in support of brain cancer research.

I founded the Charlie Teo Foundation because I want to shake-up the way we raise and use funds in brain cancer research and your contribution will help to fund local projects and scientists dedicated to finding a cure. 

It is my dream to find a cure for brain cancer which is why we strive to change treatment options, change patient outcomes and increase survival rates.   My determination and inspiration comes from my patients. Every day they teach me extraordinary hope and courage.

I believe a better future is possible and this can only be achieved with the help of wonderful supporters like you.  Let’s do this together. We are going to get there. A world without brain cancer.


Professor Charlie Teo AM - Founder


  • Check out the Charity Fund landing page for photos from this year's charity lunch in Sydney.


Date Published: 
18 December 2019