Office Choice e-commerce integration helps members get sorted
6 June 2018
Office Choice has announced a major upgrade of its e-commerce platform.
In continuing its focus on reducing the cost of doing business for the member group, Office Choice has commenced the roll-out of its strategy to integrate its ERP and e-commerce platforms.
The plan will see Office Choice members not currently using its Pronto Software integrate their chosen ERP with the Office Choice eChoice ecommerce solution.
eChoice is an Office Choice-managed product that gives members an online web presence with full product and pricing information, shopping cart facility and customer account details. It further links back to the Office Choice Product Information Management system (PIM) giving up-to-date product information direct to the e-commerce platform.
Piloting the program on behalf of Office Choice members, Ryan Hughes from Phil Hughes Office Choice in Launceston (pictured right), successfully integrated his Jim2® Business Engine platform with the eChoice ecommerce solution.
A leading office machines dealer, the integration of Jim2 with eChoice has allowed PHOC to further integrate its stationery division and gain greater control of his online presence and customer experience.
“Prior to the integration, keeping current pricing of their stationery business up-to-date on the web was a laborious task to maintain and ensure accuracy. Whilst PHOC’s un-integrated website was a good source of reference, their customers were often told to ‘ignore the pricing, we’ll fix it on the invoice’”, Office Choice national IT manager Tilley Raftopoulos (pictured left), said.
Hughes added: “Utilising the support services of the Office Choice IT team, over the course of the year I predict we will save considerable administrative time due to the new integrated system. We can now drive more of our existing customers onto our website which reduces our cost base even further and is a must for anyone in the machine photocopier/printer servicing space like us”.
By integrating its web and product management, PHOC is now able to use its e-commerce site to clear overstock and drive more promotions with bundled offers throughout his region.
“The successful integration of Jim2 begins the Office Choice plan to integrate with other key ERP systems to benefit all members and streamline their operations and increase efficiencies in their business. This integration is key milestone in our 2020 Strategy to assist members to reduce the cost of doing business and remain competitive in the current landscape,” Raftopoulos said.