1 February 2023
Dealer group strengthens board and revamps constitution.
Office Choice are launching into 2023 with a strengthened board and organisation constitution to support the release and execution of the 2023 and beyond strategic plan.
The Office Choice 2023 and beyond strategic plan was created in consultation with the board and senior management team and is focussed on the continued improvement in the financial return on investment for its Office Choice Group
Members and the Office Choice Group. This covers a range of key strategic pillars including the Office Choice Brand and Customer Journey, Maximising Market share and Member growth, Product evolution and Business solutions and leading our digital transformation with our eCommerce and IT systems underpinned by a Corporate Restructure.
The corporate restructure was enacted at the Office Choice AGM held in November 2022, where the members of Office Choice passed a Special Resolution that saw the implementation of a new Constitution for the Company. Amongst many benefits, it will instantly increase shareholder value, replacing the previous fixed share value structure.
In official proceedings at the AGM, Daniel Kelly and Mark Smith were reappointed as Chairman and Deputy Chairman respectively.
The board has also strengthened the board composition and appointed two independent directors, Mark Ashby and Bob Peterson who are both leaders in their fields bringing a wealth of retail, co-operative and strategy experience to the table.
Mark has considerable board experience in public and private retail companies and has been on various SME Boards over the past 5 years, while Bob has significant experience in both the Franchise industry (past Chair of Franchise Council of Aust) and the Cooperative & Mutuals sectors. Mark and Bob now complete the board of 6, joining Daniel Kelly and Mark Smith and existing dealer directors Jason Camidge from Dolphin Office Choice and Jeff Harris from Office Choice Griffith.
Chairman Daniel Kelly comments, “We are ecstatic that Mark & Bob have joined the Office Choice Board and look forward to tapping into the depth and breadth of Mark & Bob’s experience, as we continue the transformation of the Office Choice Limited business.“